Ethical Considerations on Using Human Biologicals in Research

Human whole blood is a combination of human red blood cells (RBCs), various other cells, and plasma. For various experiments and research projects, these human biologicals are needed in order to come up with the research objectives and to provide a solution for any problem that is prevailing or that concerns the human body in general.  However, no matter how much important is any research. There are ethical issues that need to be addressed before going further into the research.

Why are these considerations important?

Ethical considerations govern the process and are needed for the betterment of the research and of the society as well. These considerations are important because they allow us to do something that is right and use our resources for the better tomorrow of the human race. There have been many mishaps in the past where researchers were not bound to follow these ethical rules and as a result, they committed some serious moral crimes.
The benefit of ethics is to teach every researcher that the value of an animal, human being or its biologicals is far greater than any experiment.
There are other benefits also.
  • Ethical considerations promote healthy experimentations where the researchers can find moral satisfaction.
  • Researchers governed by these rules are always supported by the general masses.
  • The test subjects involved find collaborating with each other fruitful and easy.
  • The research can be further extended into the future without a problem.

Why was there a need for such considerations?

The need for such considerations came because of the unethical experiments that took place in the past. The researchers such as the Tuskegee Experiment which used around 600 men who had contracted syphilis; Milgram’s Obedience Experiment which was abusive to the psychology of the test subjects; and Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment which led the subjects to violence and dangerous behavior are the reasons we have these ethical rules today.

How are they implemented?

One of the organizations which implement the ethics is National Commission for Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. Also, the Office for Human Research Protections is also doing a good job in preserving the ethics.
In numerous colleges and universities, certain communities like Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are formed to check if the ethical codes are being applied.

What are the considerations?

Proper issues and considerations are well addressed in the UniSA online ethics system.
According to them, these considerations are:
  • The research that is being done should have value for the humans.
  • No researcher should expose his health to any kind of harm in the research.
  • The subjects’ consent should be the top priority.
  • The data or the results of the research should be handled with confidentiality.
The human biologicals of the human whole blood, only the human red blood cells, or any other biologicals should be treated under these ethical considerations at all cost not just for the health of the research but also for that of the humans in general.
Learn more about Innovative Research and our high quality research materials including human, plant, and animal biological, ELISA & Assay Kits, proteins, antibodies, cell cultures, blood, serum, plasma, and more.  More information can be found at or by calling 248.896.0145.


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